Dr Rox Middleton

I am a postdoc physicist working on interdisplinary optics of biological materials.

You can find my publication record on my work pages

I am interested in structural colour, iridescence, vision and biology-physics boundaries.

old page current job

Science Journalism

I write the new Science and Society column in the Morning Star with two co-writers, Joel & Liam. Check out our columns

Short films

The Vignolini Lab

Gum Arabic

Salt Baskets


Talk at Cambridge Science Festival

Meet the Scientists at the Science Museum, London, Feb 2019

Green Man Science Outreach Stall, August 2017

Meet the Colour Makers: Family Outreach

SET for Britain Physics Silver medal 2016 (Science/ policy communication)

Cambridge Style Week: Innovation in Fashion panellist

Ad for my PhD programme

Curator / Artist for Artifact @ImperialCollegeLondon 2013